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16 Aug 2024

The Benefits of Plant-Based Milks: A Sustainable and Nutritious Choice

Fareshare Midlands Stand information: FM530
The Benefits of Plant-Based Milks: A Sustainable and Nutritious Choice
Carton of Soy Milk in the warehouse
Plant-based milks are regularly received as surplus into our FareShare Midlands warehouses! They’re a super versatile product: whether added to your morning cuppa, warmed up for a fancy barista coffee or drowning your cereal, they can be used as a direct replacement for animal milks in every scenario!

As awareness of sustainability and health continues to grow, many people are turning to plant-based milks as a nutritious alternative to using traditional cow’s milk. These non-dairy options offer a host of benefits, making them an excellent choice for individuals and the planet. 

Environmental Sustainability 

One of the most significant advantages of plant-based milks is their lower environmental impact. Producing these milks typically requires less water, land, and energy compared to dairy milk. For example, almond milk uses significantly less water than cow’s milk, and oat milk has a smaller carbon footprint.  

With methane gas being a by-product of cows, combined with the dairy industry’s mass breeding and farming of the animal, this has a significantly negative impact on the environment. choosing plant-based options, we can reduce our contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve precious natural resources.  

Health Benefits 

Plant-based milks can also offer health benefits, particularly for those who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies. They are generally lower in calories and saturated fats compared to dairy milk, making them a heart-healthy option. Additionally, many plant-based milks are fortified with essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and B12, ensuring they provide a balanced nutritional profile. 

Dietary Diversity 

For those looking to diversify their diet, plant-based milks offer a variety of flavours and nutritional profiles. From almond and soya, to oat and coconut, there’s a plant-based milk to suit everyone’s taste preferences and dietary needs. Each type of plant milk comes with its own set of benefits. For example, almond milk is rich in vitamin E, which is good for skin health, while soya milk provides a high protein content similar to cow’s milk. 

Supporting Ethical Choices 

Opting for plant-based milks can also align with ethical and humane food choices. Many people choose these alternatives to avoid supporting industries associated with intensive animal farming. By choosing plant-based options, individuals can contribute to reducing the demand for dairy production, which often involves practices that can be concerning morally. 


As we strive to create a more sustainable world, plant-based milks are an excellent alternative. Whether for environmental, health, or ethical reasons, these non-dairy drinks offer a delicious and nutritious option for everyone. By incorporating plant-based milks into our diets, we can take small but meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future. 

FareShare Midlands is the number one food redistribution charity in the Midlands. Taking good quality surplus food from across the food industry and sharing it with 800 charities and community based organisations every week. We help feed 83,000 people struggling with poverty, hunger and the impact of the cost of living crisis. To find out more to see how you can support our work, visit our website or make a donation:


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